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Earth 4 all Taiwan是由朗朗集團、源創國際、環境友善種子、鴻旭科技四家不同領域與專長的企業共同發起台灣MICE產業第一個以「影響力評估報告」指南為依歸,結合KPMG安侯永續發展顧問,Taipei Angels台安傑天使投資、邀請GTA綠色科技新創聯盟共同落實ESG理念,該展覽活動最後將出具試行報告書,評估其結果與對社會的影響力。
Earth 4 all Taiwan is jointly launched by Langlang Group, Yuanchuang International, Environmentally Friendly Seeds, and Hongxu Technology. It is the first MICE industry in Taiwan to rely on the "Influence Evaluation Report" guideline, combined with KPMG Security Hou Sustainability Consultant, Taipei Angels Angel Investment, invited GTA Green Technology Innovation Alliance to jointly implement the ESG concept. At the end of the exhibition, a trial report will be issued to evaluate its results and influence on society.

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